Poems by Mello193

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  • You want to know god
    You want to know about love...

  • Through the pendilum as it swings
    deeper does its agony ring...

  • Remember it
    Because ill forget it...

  • Smf

    Your a mother of one
    and second to none...

  • Come away with innocence
    leave me with my sins...

  • Oh bobbysoxer so young and pure
    in this dark world you try to indure...

  • If you love me let me know
    either way ill let it go...

  • Son

    If I gave you advice son
    Itd be this...

  • Give me the black rose that is your heart
    And I will paint it red with my blood...

  • Spiders creep
    Spiders crawl...

  • Spiders creep
    Spiders crawl...

  • With dirty eyes you cant see,
    your only as free as you want to be...