Poems by lovelost

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  • Denial the thing I feel when my friends ask do I...
    Denial what I feel when my friends catch me...

  • I never thought I could hurt this bad over...
    I never thought I could cry this hard over him...

  • I prey for someone to take my broken heart and...

  • I never knew you very well. You were hard to get...

  • You date her and say you love her.
    Do you really...

  • I will share your pain.
    I don't care how long or painful...

  • He makes your heart beat faster, with every touch.
    Even when he can't see...

  • Feel (1)

    When I feel my world is dark i see him and it...
    When he cries I cry...

  • This pain will it die in time?
    Or grow...

  • No more tears, because you're be my side. No more...

  • You made a promise that you get to know me and...

  • When I'm with him, even when the world is dark and...
    Does he realize that I am staring at him...