The tears come marching down his face like little...
What was once rare, now becomes routine...
This April love is getting a bit infectious.
spreading all the way to my heart...
Girl what are you starving for?
my attention is already yours...
***Written in 2006***
I'll be the first to say it...
You're a phone call away,
but on most days thats still to far...
Tonight we buried our deepest secrets in each...
it feels good to finally admit it...
Its amazing that the person you know the least,
makes you smile the most...
She's my drug, my pill, my comfort,
Always keeps me warm at night...
***Written in November 2007***
***Written in October 2007***
You and Me...
***Written in September 2007***
I can't seem to stay on my feet...
***Written in September 2007***
I'm wishing and waiting...