Poems by mUnChKinS

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  • I never made promises
    For fear of breaking them...

  • I love talking about you because
    i can never run out of things to say...

  • You

    ILL bE sMiLiNg wHen i SeE yOu Da TeArZ wOnT eVeR...
    AnD yEt uLL nEvEr knO...

  • ID rAtHeR hAd bAd TiMeS wItH yOu tHaN gOoD oNeS...

  • Somethings missing...left behind.
    I search in circles everytime i try...

  • *I don't have the words to make you feel better...
    I have ears to listen to whatever you want to talk...

  • He~

    He is everything you want.
    He is everything you need...

  • He is everything you want.
    He is everything you need...

  • Forg3t th3 tim3s h3 walk3d by,
    Forg3t th3 tim3s h3 mad3 u cry...

  • I'm Sorry...
    For all the mean things I might have said...

  • Sometimes when im alone I cry.
    Cause I am on my own...

  • *~*I know I promised
    But you don't know how hard it is...