3 blondes walk into a bar.....the brunette ducks |
No My Dear Friends, Pride Is NOT The Hardest Thing To Swallow...just ask my boyfriend. |
[[Rick]]: "What number do u get when u turn 8 upside down?" |
The list of things that SUCK: |
Two guys were walking down the street when they saw a dog on the sidwalk licking himself, one guy turns to the other n says "i wish i could do that" and the other man says "well u cuud try but i bet hed bite ya" |
Only in America...do we order a double cheeseburger, large fries and a DIET soda... |
Only in America...do we sell hot dogs in packages of 10 and buns in packages of 8. |
Only in America....do banks leave both doors wide open...but chain the pens to the counters. |
So....im a b.itch? |