The issue is not the return on investment
of the efforts of humans...
You amaze me with your openness,
So non-judgmental and without blame...
I do not approve of myth & ritual
For their own sake, divorced...
No Leonovich, not predestined.
Great events are indeed...
Notes on the Road to Dallas
What's left to be done with my life...
Pathos founds all real humor.
Puns may rely on clever word trips...
Anger cuts through the family
Like a hot knife through Swiss cheese...
Hic Sunt Dracones:
Here be the destroyers of life...
Let me write of becoming, let me write of coming...
Knowing myself as Me upon the moment I crashed...
Remember, Life deals bad & good
Without concern for odds or even...
Seek criticism and praise
As though you are new to this world...
She skirts her raft at the edges of the vortex,
Seeking the faces of those who are drowning...