You amaze me with your openness,
So non-judgmental and without blame...
Dignity Team Health:
car enwrapt with this bold ad...
Unquenched fire under a deluge;
pouring cool love onto hot coal...
Normal vision sees you standing
Bedraggled in the pouring rain...
It's a small bridge over a ditch
from the parking lot...
The most tempting food
is whatever you look at...
After they broke up
we continued to like him...
I do not want to be cuddled
or sheltered by your charms...
When I was pre-school
I sent off for a prize...
My son has been grown for years,
but a kid yells, "hey, Dad!"...
Hic Sunt Dracones:
Here be the destroyers of life...
Don't think I'm one to recriminate,
each of us must follow our course...