Quotes by Larry Chamberlin

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  • Ah, the ancient see - saw ethereal:
    Between the essential now, here with me,
    And the anticipation of looking back to now.

    16 years ago
    1 0
  • What audacity to think that our mortal perception,
    Will not itself be put out of the textbooks
    When our grandchildren discover
    What ignorant savages we are

    22 Feb 1998
    From Red Shift

    16 years ago
    1 0
  • Who is it that you've lost
    That you have not found inside yourself?
    Those who've left us, left us clues;
    You carry on, you carry them, you're more.

    LMC 23July08

    16 years ago
    1 0
  • It is not enough
    Not to mean to do something.
    You must MEAN not to do it!

    16 years ago
    2 0
  • Self-awareness is only as perfect as our myth of reality.
    [From Red Shift - Mind]

    15 years ago
    1 0
  • I came to love you never knowing you were gone

    From "Jo Betty"

    15 years ago
    1 0
  • You were a rose bled dry on her own thorns:
    Torn by your insights, ripped apart by reality.

    From "Jo Betty"

    15 years ago
    2 0
  • Never define yourself by the man who happens
    To be in your life at any given moment.

    from "It's Self-Reliance, Girl"

    15 years ago
    2 0
  • Don't ask the Burning Bush for knowledge,
    It knows only the flame that licks its leaves.

    From "Egret Savior"

    15 years ago
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  • THAT moment - that last one:
    That instant where you cease to be . . . ;
    It's not the ultimate obsession, but it's close;
    And needs no metaphor to dull the blade,
    For like most pain, it's best
    To take it in raw, sharp, scream.

    14 years ago
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