Yellow-green destructive clouds illuminate a fake...
As a beautiful scene sickenly trapped inside a...
Sensitive - like the delicate petal of a flower,
Relaxed - but still able to drain me of power...
Oh, so you're going to beat me down,
Hoping it'll make me frown...
You know how I feel?,
It's definitely not real...
My inner security is shaking, out of control,
You're getting to close, please stand back...
How could you enjoy this demented scene,
Fading colors, shaded with puke green...
Dream a dream,
Laugh a laugh...
I can't count,
The total amount...
It's as beautiful as a golden butterfly,
Fluttering its wings as it soars the sky...
The green waves of the breeze,
Flowing across the field...
It burns, flaring inside your nose,
So repulsive, it makes you cringe...
He's so smart, charming, and refined,
And when he smiles you go out of your mind...