Yellow-green destructive clouds illuminate a fake...
As a beautiful scene sickenly trapped inside a...
Silly girl, that's not how to play
This isn't a game like cat and mouse...
Tear glistened eyes aren't enough
To make you see how I'm dying...
I grabbed your hand as you turned away,
As you tried to run I made you stay...
Where the light hides, dark will follow...
Hide and seek has never been so intense...
My mind is racing again
Am I thinking clearly...
I thought time was on my side,
I knew life was never right...
I refuse to let you keep pushing me around,
Stop smothering me unless you want me to break...
You are a fairy princess
With lips of the crescent moon...
It feels so horrible,
And its anything but adorable...
Just let me sleep... a little longer
In this dream where all I see... is you...
Getting them prepared,
My feelings to be shared...