Poems by Brianna Green

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  • L-istening to the sound of his heart
    I- couldn't help but to escape...

  • I cant seem to just stick to one person,
    i didn't know what it was like to have a best...

  • Its pullen in every direction,
    its been pushed around...

  • Her eyes,
    Her lips...

  • He threw you up against the door,
    told you to get out...

  • Every problem we faced,
    every second we spent just holding onto our dreams...

  • So much energy
    to move on the dance floor...

  • The twinkle in your eye,
    the smell of your new perfume...

  • I screamed at the top of my lungs,
    no one could hear me...

  • As i walk into class,
    you'd be sitting there waiting for the next word...

  • Her

    You said everything right,
    did everything so perfectly...

  • You were the one i asked for,
    i never thought you would come...