Continue to be strong despite of all the hardships that life has given you. There is no greater adversity if you persevere, if you have patience, great faith and love. The people you love will look up to you, and you will be their strength. |
My afterlife matters most than my life at the moment. |
The things you could do for someone you truly love is immeasurable. And that is dangerous. |
If one can make my tears fall, i love thee. |
If someone could see through yours eyes, you will be totally defenceless. |
It takes a minute to be hurt but it will take years to recover it. |
My love is not in madness, it is my tool to add courage, It strengthens my being and principles that leads to goodness. |
Love is a magical thing, no set of rules, no boundaries. It is like defying gravity, if lifts you up and shows you everything. |
Enjoy the feeling of a true love, love the person dearly, treasure every moment until the love is present, when it's gone you'll miss it and you'll never know when it will come back. |
An hour of a broken heart has a lifetime effect. |