Quotes by Silent Angel

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  • Your heart may be broken, the love you once knew, gone, your life may be totaled, but you will live on. Your heart can be patched, antoher love will come and go, but remember always that there will be hope.

    17 years ago
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  • For the days may be tough, the hours go by slow,people around pressure you to be perfect, making you a person you never wanted to know. If you be true to yourself, and put happiness before anger, the times that you'll have,you will always remember.

    17 years ago
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  • At first, my love for you was great,we ended, and it all turned to shame and fury, now, the memory of us has ceised to exist and our paths have never crossed.

    17 years ago
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  • Together we are one,forever we shall be,
    for my valentines day wish, to my heart you shall hold the key. Forget all of our angers,
    our problems shall be tossed away, hold eachother close, while our hearts swiftly float away.

    17 years ago
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  • One moment your here, and the next you disappear, and finally when my heart is pieced, you quickly reappear. running is what you do, with me you see a game,this heart is not one to be taken, because in your eyes, all I see is shame.

    17 years ago
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  • For again i believed what you said,
    thinking i could trust you would ever change.
    and again i was fooled and used,
    For this time it is me to blame.

    17 years ago
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  • Who knew that we would be,
    First Just friends who joked around,
    and then come to find ,
    we are only one heart bound.

    17 years ago
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  • You're the one i want to wake up to, the one i want to hear i love you every morning, the eyes i want to drift asleep to, the laugh i want to be annoyed by. The one i want my life to surround.

    17 years ago
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  • Cant you hear me, dont you feel how i do, dont you see my emotions escaping, hear my laughter and see my sparkling eyes, my aura shining with love, Its all for you!

    17 years ago
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  • The feeling I get when you lie next to me, the sound that i hear when you whisper "i love you" in my ear, when we kiss and you hold on, never wanting to let go, its the fire that was set when wefirst met, and it is being released once more.

    17 years ago
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