For sure the world is full of tricks..
A game where the loser gets to win...
Here I was standing.
Supposed to laugh and celebrate...
They say your life is crumbled.
They say you lost that much weight...
A fresh breeze and sunshine bright
'Tis the day to receive the gallant knight...
You ask me if i love you.
As if you don't know the reply...
The girl fell in love.
As innocent as she can...
Let the dark hover over me.
And the clouds cover the sun...
This is me.
Honest and true...
Do you love me so?
Because I just want to know...
Let me dream.. Like I've never dreamed before.
Let me dream that I'm in love...
People come and others go.
Some betray you and some are true...
We humans, with our massacres, genocides, wars...