Are you willing to swim against the tide? |
People who know too much barely meet serenity. It is the wisest of the wise who knoweth no peace of mind. |
Sometimes, Silence is wisdom. But sometimes, Silence can also be fatal. |
Don't seek revenge. It will come at its own, slow, pace. |
Life might close many doors at one's face. |
There is no sense in talking sense to people who know no common sense. |
Sometimes, you can love someone so much that you are ready to take away their pain and experience it yourself. |
Trust not people who sway their loyalty wherever the wind blows. They will betray you when the wind blows hard against your face. |
The worst liars are those who lie to themselves. |
If you were going to answer every fool that talked about you behind your back, You would never be quiet. Proceed, move on, move up, and don't give a darn. |