the intoxicating fog fills her lungs. |
I L0V3D y0U H0N3STLy
AND y0U JUST Li3D T0 M3...
So close to closing, when a stranger stopped by...
said he was hungry, and I suggested the fries. but...
I L0V3D y0U H0N3STLy
AND y0U JUST Li3D T0 M3...
When ever you feel like giving up, just look back and remember why you have held on so long in the first place. |
LiF3 iS A J0URN3y. iT CAN TAk3 y0U T0 BRiqHT PLAC3z &+ iT CAN TAk3 y0U T0 qL00My 0N3z. iT CAN TAk3 y0N 0N iNCR3DiBL3 HiqHz &+ H0RRiFyiNq L0Wz. BUT q0D N3V3R qiVz y0U M0R3 THAN y0U CAN HANDL3. S0 TAk3 iT 0N! &+ SH0 TH3 W0RLD H0W STR0Nq y0U AR3! |
N0 MATT3R WH3R3 LiF3 TAk3z M3 i WiLL N3V3R F0Rq3T y0U* |