HEY..Well as you aLL may kno My NaME is Amber. Im dating a Guy named drew and I LOVE him very much. weve been TOGETHER for like two years WE now have a baby boy named Aiden Shane:D he was born on decemBER 3rd)) I really dont REGreT anything He iS the BEST thing that HAs Ever haPpened to me. My life is a lot haRder nOW but im doinG it!! Well if you WANna Kno moRE just feeL free to aSK!! |
When I close my eyes I no longer see your face,
I finally feel like I belong in this place...
SOmEtiMEs thE BEST yoU haVe is aLL yOU'vE gOt!! <3 |
"IF you think you can, you can! IF you think you can't, YOU"RE RIGHT!! |
I'm 99.9% sure you don't love me, but |