Quotes by Sora

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  • I remember that day like it was yesterday.
    We were at a park, and we were on the swings.
    Seeing who could get the closest to the sky, and you won..

    14 years ago
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  • I ran away from facing you,
    hiding my eyes from everything.
    On the other side of these eyelids,
    I sketched a perfect world.
    Beyond the flickering light,
    you, who was full of scars,
    wiped my tears away.


    14 years ago
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  • Your words left a scar on my heart,
    As I walked away from you in the pouring rain.
    Those images wouldn't stop chasing me,
    As I glanced back and seen your eyes filled with pain.


    15 years ago
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  • Body quivering in small arms,
    Now weak hands
    That once looked so strong.
    Secrets lie beneathe his soul,
    An amazing story never told.
    A life turned around in a blink of an eye,
    And a heart so courageous that suddenly cried..

    15 years ago
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  • The real me is shut away, in the depths of my heart.
    But I'm still acting tough,
    I'm still putting up a barrier.
    And I'm fighting with the pain.

    15 years ago
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  • I've been hurt by his mistakes,
    So come take me away.
    I put him first, I thought he'd stay,
    But he couldn't weather the storm,
    So he left me the rain.

    15 years ago
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  • I need you to love me like before
    Open the sky,
    Let the rain fall,
    Let the rain wash away your pain.
    Follow your heart,
    Don't feel alone
    Your never alone.


    15 years ago
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  • Fearing every truth you speak
    Hiding from you, protecting my heart.
    So broken, I can't be mended
    I'm not who I want to be.


    15 years ago
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  • He's in good hands now, but even so,
    Her heart isn't content, and scars bear her sight.
    All because her best friend died before her eyes,
    On that faithful September night.

    From my new poem, "September's Sorrow".

    15 years ago
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  • And as we fall,
    Those images chase us.

    16 years ago
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