I can't stop thinking of you.
I can't stop the wanting...
I woke up this morning.
And I emediatly thought of you...
I roll my eyes when you walk in.
When you look right at me...
All I can say is sorry.
For the pain that has been caused...
To dance the perfect dance.
You have to smile with grace...
It's not your fault.
Because you weren't there...
You're killing me inside.
When you're right there...
You make my heart tingle when you walk by me.
You make my stomach go upside down when you look...
The love song that you wrote me made me cry.
You mentioned my eyes, my smile, and my hair...
The first time that I looked into your eyes I...
I knew that we were meant to be together...
You've taken my heart.
You've given me tears...
If I died for you.
You wouldn't even know...