I love coming home with skin that smells like yours. |
I dont believe you get over someone when you break up.. I think you get over them after you've watched them move on. |
The only thing worse than a broken heart is a cracked heart. The broken heart knows its done crys, then repairs itself. The cracked heart doesnt believe its over it crys but doesnt feel the need to fix itself yet. So it just continues to ache |
I love how sometimes when I laugh, I sound like my mother, and how sometimes when I smile, I look like my father. |
I simply dont understand how its physiclly possible for my body to still cry over you. |
Go to sleep and dream of me, for no other night will there be. |
With each new lover comes the memories of the old. |
I dont want to make you cry, but if you do dont you dare let me see it. |
If you fall in love with someone whose hurt you before its safer, you know that its possible to survive them. |
Is it wrong to be with one boy but run back to the last for what he cant get right? |