Quotes by brokenxheartedxangel

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  • Sooo much sexual tension between us
    only if it was that simple!!

    12 years ago
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  • I hear about how pretty I am a lot
    but when I look in the mirror i don't see
    what everyone else sees. I don't understand

    12 years ago
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  • Every freaking time I see u.
    y do I do this to myself??

    12 years ago
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  • Out of all the girls he could choose,
    y me?
    Does it mean we really had something or was that just me?

    13 years ago
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  • Y do always have to drag me back in?
    U still mean the world to me and u know it.
    I don't wanna ever be hurt the way u hurt me again but could this be different?

    Just venting but would love if someone could message me 2 help me out

    13 years ago
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  • After 3 years. . .
    It still hurts to hear our song on the radio
    It still hurts to see u kiss another girl
    & It still hurts that I can't stop Loving u. . .

    13 years ago
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  • It hurts so much when I see you. . .
    You have no idea how bad I miss talking to you. .
    You were my first love and my best friend. .
    But now I'm forbidden to speak to you. . .
    Yes, it was for a good reason on my bf's part
    but it still hurts

    14 years ago
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  • & sometimes i just can't help but miss u. . . .

    14 years ago
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  • What if i say I love U
    & he don't say it back?? =(

    15 years ago
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  • I'm scared to say i love u. .
    cause i'm afraid i'll lose u =(

    15 years ago
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