Arrogance is a state of mind.
it's advantage is it leaves you blind...
that i always want yu in my life...
For you i am crazy
my world is shaky and hazy...
Cupid shot her with his love arrow.
why couldn't he spare her? oh...
One bandaid couldn't cure
all the pain i have to endure...
its how i've felt my whole life...
I can't look back down the trail
i took because then i remember i failed...
Why can't i just forget him?
it was never meant to be...
I thought i could show him
but he's still unaware...
Why is it every time i get an once of hope its...
I've come to a solution. i can not live off of...
Mumbling and stuttering over simple syllables;
my brain is racing, my fingers jittery...
I miss being in his arms,
its the truth although i hate it...