Quotes by Crystal

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  • Ja kahjuks kõik ma kunagi on tema parim sõber .......

    14 years ago
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  • "I love u. I chose u over him, bcuz thats what my heart told me 2 do""What about my brother? and my girlfriend? I cn't just leave her"
    It's kinda funny that when u wanted her over me, u just left.
    Real conversation*

    15 years ago
    0 0
  • It kills me inside knowing that, although you say you Love me still....... you also like her. </3

    Anyone have any advice for this broken hearted girl? :'(

    15 years ago
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  • It began with a coin;
    Him: lets flip a coin. Heads You're mine, Tails I'm yours.

    It ended with a coin as well;
    Me: Let's flip a coin. Heads you win, Tails I lose.

    </3 I still love him and I'm sorry for what i put him through.

    15 years ago
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  • "Listen Girl....... You gotta be good........ I don't wanna hurt ya.... I WANNA KISS YA!! "

    ~Jonas Brothers~

    16 years ago
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  • I have my library card and I'm checking you out!

    ~Joe Jonas~

    16 years ago
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