Frank the Great

About Frank the Great

I'm currently enlisted in the Marine Corp. I like to write alot. I usually write short stories but lately I've gotten into writting poetry. The inpirations come from my sorroundings and the mood im in on the day I write them. I write these style poems because its the only thing that comes to mind. Most of the things in the poems have never happened to me. I just write alot about what real life is like.enjoy the poems. I would love some feedback or suggestions. thanks.

Profile of Frank the Great

  • Age : 20
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, Ohio
  • Joined : Apr 10, 2008
  • Last Visit : 16 years ago
  • Poems : 29
  • Comments : 143
  • Quotes : 2
  • Posts : 1
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Frank the Great

  • Combat (2)

    Baby please don't cry, this letter was really hard...

  • Without you God
    I'm not good enough for you...

  • Befriended
    I'm broken and hurt but I hide it...

  • Would you like that?
    I would drop on my knees for you...

  • Troop's letter
    I have this rage deep inside my soul...

Latest Quotes By Frank the Great

  • If your early your on time, if your on time your late, if your late stand the F**K by

    16 years ago
    0 0
  • The best part about being knocked down is having the pride to get back up

    16 years ago
    0 0

Favorite Poems