Lost Over Vacant Ends...
It's an oxymoron.
It's the good and the bad...
It's not clear.. It never was.. And even tho it...
My world is beautiful..
So beautiful that I get lost in it...
One day..
I'll have the person of my dreams...
Why is it I feel like I'm losing you when I never...
Why is it I cry for you when there isn't anything...
Where there is no hope, there is no future.
Where there is no future, there's no story...
I'm running
In the street...
There is no point in Russian Roulette
Why shoot myself? If I'm already dead...
I dug deep I did
Into a black hole...
I'm going to miss it all
Your voice, your lips, your smile...
The person I had written the original poem about...
I've had a dream of happiness...