Poems by xLeftxBehindx

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  • Some get in to messes and others get an education
    Many things can go right or wrong to their...

  • Frequently I lay on the side of a simple grassy...
    Only to think any thought or even any goal...

  • There's an old photo
    it tattered and torn...

  • Sky so blue swallowing us up in it's darkness
    Ocean so deep reaching less every time the waves...

  • So your not the little kid anymore
    You don't want that free cookie at the store...

  • Anything

  • Someone should tell you what you did to me
    We went everywhere I always felt free...

  • I stand by her and them every morning before...
    I listen to their conversation and just stand...

  • ONE time there were
    TWO best friends that had...

  • Love is like a roller coaster, the up and down
    You can be having fun and then be made a clown...

  • The world has changed since 1989
    Friends can't just be friends and nothing is...

  • The new year is coming
    Look at everyone, what they are becoming...