Poems by Trying to hold on

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  • I am alone in my fear,
    That's the way it is...

  • For the first time in ages-
    I can hold a converstaion about how I'm feeling...

  • I know you all love me
    And I'll take that with me...

  • The light shade on the ceiling is a spaceship,
    The flashing red light on the smoke alarm is the...

  • My hands are trembling with fear,
    I'm so petrified of tomorrow...

  • Ghosts are chasing me,
    People are laughing in my head...

  • I need you to be strong,
    Cause I know what I'm doing is wrong...

  • It would be easier to give up,
    Everything feels dark and blurry...

  • I know some things are out of my control,
    Some things I don't get to decide...

  • An overwhelming pain in my own heart,
    Has broken me again...

  • I've never dreamed of sun,
    I've dreamed of rain...

  • No more dreams
    Of a future happiness...