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For way too long...
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You are my addiction, a drug to me...
Dear sweet love of mine,
what does love mean to you...
LOVE is the most b e a u t i f u l creation,
so great that o n l y G o d can create...
You'll have to excuse this sappy love poem,
this just isn't my best, I'm sad to say...
This may just be the last thing I ever write,
for I must rebuild and it will take some time...
Do you know what truly hurts?
When someone walks into your life...
Tonight, I've realized...
There was a penny on the ground today...
Okay I admit it, I'm a hopeless romantic,
And surely that can't be helped, can it...
Sometimes I wish that reality is just a nightmare and when I wake up I'll find that my dream is actually reality. |
I can't forget you, like a pencil writing my thoughts, you're written in Sharpie that bleeds through my heart... |
Saying that "you will HEAL in TIME" is just a nice way of saying "you're going to HURT for a LONG time before you feel BETTER" |