This may just be the last thing I ever write,
for I must rebuild and it will take some time...
This feeling is overwhelming,
your face flashes in my mind...
I got you chocolate,
you smashed them in my face...
A thought of you,
brings so much pain...
Okay I admit it, I'm a hopeless romantic,
And surely that can't be helped, can it...
She has a laugh each day,
her face, filled with delight...
Dear sweet love of mine,
what does love mean to you...
I feel your presence as you walk by,
I hear something...
(this is such a girl's poem XD)
Walking in the store...
Do you know what truly hurts?
When someone walks into your life...
If I could just see you,
if I could hold you tight...
LOVE is the most b e a u t i f u l creation,
so great that o n l y G o d can create...