Tried to hang on,
but i let myself go...
Light up my life,
tune up my world...
LOVE is the most b e a u t i f u l creation,
so great that o n l y G o d can create...
(this is such a girl's poem XD)
Walking in the store...
This song is kinda random and maybe weird...but if...
Verse 1...
I'm dying inside,
why can't you see...
This feeling is overwhelming,
your face flashes in my mind...
I can't understand,
you got pregnant more than once...
Tonight, I've realized...
I dreamt last night the most perfect dream,
you were here standing right in front of me...
Okay I admit it, I'm a hopeless romantic,
And surely that can't be helped, can it...
If I could just see you,
if I could hold you tight...