Poems by krysten

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  • So here it is
    3 years of my life wasted...

  • When she looks at me
    She sees him...

  • You always ask what id say
    But don't you already know...

  • When this world falls
    Away from me...

  • There comes a time
    In everyones life...

  • You're always told its no way to live
    You're told people care...

  • You changed my world
    You flipped it upside down...

  • I felt traped inside a cold world
    6 walls surrounded me like a room...

  • Being with you feels so right
    i don't know how to explain...

  • For two years
    People have told me...

  • I looked in your eyes
    And was determined to see forever...

  • We talked everyday
    About nothing at times...