I don't know anything exept for what I know |
When I'm numb I want to feel...but when I feel I want to be numb...... :| |
I'm starting to think that depression and cutting is like a virus that never truly gets cured. It can be treated, but it never leaves you... |
You should see and feel the world as though you were born yesterday, but you should also be kind and giving as though you're going to die tomorrow. |
All of us have our own scars from regrets....it's just that mine are more visible.... |
Everyday I wait for the darkness of the night to go to complete hell....only to pretend nothing is wrong by the next day..... |
It's not so much that you're wanting to die, but rather you're ready to die...nothing else seems to matter...you're just a shadow in your own body. |
I guess nothing lasts forever. I feel so broken, but there's nothing I can do!!!! And I feel so numb that I don't know what's real anymore!!!! |
If I could have one wish that could come true, I would wish my best friends will get all they ever wished for, would be seen as the great people they are...even if that means they can't be my friend anymore.... |
Even a beautiful rose has to have some days of rain to reach it's full beauty! |