Quotes by BloodyBrokenAngel

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  • I'll pretend to hate you,
    tell all my friends I've got
    a new boy in mind and I'm
    head over heels for him as
    I was you. Truth
    is, he is still you

    16 years ago
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  • Yes, she’s heartbroken and yes, she spends all day thinking about him and what could have been, but no, she’s not going to chase after him, and no, she’s not going to try to make him see something that’s disappeared.

    16 years ago
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  • "He could be a super model on every magazine
    cover with a six pack and the arms the size of Rocky's,
    but he'll never mean a thing to me,
    because he's not you."

    16 years ago
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  • We don't devote enough scientific research,
    into finding a c u r e for jerks

    16 years ago
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    she can never be good enough for you
    but for some reason, she tries anyway.

    16 years ago
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  • My head says, "who cares?"
    but my heart is saying, "you do, stupid."

    16 years ago
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  • No matter how much time goes by,
    you'll never forget the first time he looked at you
    & you fell in love with that boy's eyes.

    16 years ago
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  • It's the saddest thing
    to look into someone's eyes
    and realize they'll never love you

    16 years ago
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  • I hate that time
    before you go to sleep
    at night because that's
    when all the thoughts
    you've been trying to avoid
    start to linger in your mind.

    16 years ago
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  • No amount of makeup can cover up
    the ugly things you`ve done

    16 years ago
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