Quotes by WonderingSpiritDiaries

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  • Heartbroken. Where is God at this moment?

    13 years ago
    0 0
  • To me , yur history
    a sadd depressing story

    13 years ago
    0 0
  • A tear in my eye
    Ask me whats wrong and ill answer witt a lie
    Just to cover up this pain inside

    13 years ago
    1 0
  • He has his eyes set on one special girl...without trying she has stolen his heart and the only thing for me to do is be happy for them...even if it hurts...

    12 years ago
    1 0
  • You know when you feel you aren't right someone but you give yourself a chance with them and they turn out to be the person who causes you great sadness and after you end things the person just proves themselves to not be worth it by the way they act.

    9 years ago
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