My whole life feels like blazing heat,
Like there's this battle with no retreat...
I'm rare like bones of a dinosaur,
Women clothes at a haberdashery store...
I'm like an alien hybrid,
Raised on Saturn and Mars...
The sun continues to shine on the slave,
The slave working harder and harder...
If I ever learned how to fly,
And the limit was the sky...
Gas is going up high prices,
People making new devices...
Society in itself is like a bee,
But I won't let it sting me...
My eyes see different than yours,
Your eyes see a Siamese cat...
"I'm a horsefly,
I'm about to die...
Now 100 poems, The century mark,
To the flame, It is just a spark...
Shoes of an elite on my feet,
And I'm an elite when I eat...
To write words it takes predicates,
Writing predicates incorporates verbs...