IL TeLL u My StOrY BuT PLs Dnt CrY..iTz MeSsED & SaD N iL TeL u Y..A LiTTLe GuRL WhOz LoSt iN Her MINd..WiF QuEstioNz N AnSwERZ She May NeVa FinD...HeHe SoZ BouT Da NeRd iNtrO.. But Yh i LuV WriTin PoemZ 2 ExprEss SAdNeSS N DePreSSioN ppL WuD NEva SeE iN Me3..PLEasE iF u TaKe da Time 2ReaD My PoEmz takE Time 2 voTe n commEnT :) LuV uSE all.. Ur ALL My inSpiRAtioN MwAzZ** FeEL FreE 2 EmailZ Me :**** |
This one girl felt
for this guy so true...
I'm a cut, cut, cutter
the pain just feels so good...
He was kissing my neck
Running his hand up my thigh...
Now its over
The nights have passed...
Guys not sure What i Should title should be...
i think in circles...
The hardest thing in the world
Is what I'm about to say...
We were all divided up
into groups we all can see...
The More I Try To Be A Person, |
How wrong she always was |