I cant see what I see, when I don't see YOU.
I cant talk what I talk, when I don't talk to YOU...
Why these drifting clouds, mock me and give me a...
Why these twinkling stars, laugh at me and give me...
Lying below the endless night sky.
I feel your breath breathing life in me...
On a windy summer night, in mist of the pitch dark...
On a sunny summer morning time, through the rays...
On a windy summer night, in mist of the pitch dark...
On a sunny summer morning time, through the rays...
Its enigmatic to see the way night clouds LOVE the...
Its enigmatic to SMELL soil when the first rains...
There are times when SUN is laid off its radiant...
There are times when MOON is not allowed to spin...
The desert winds and the ocean storms are to...
The monsoon rains and its ways are to stay...so is...
While the evening clock ticks for HER arrival...
My eyes will await HER return...for them to get...
I see its magic of creation, when I see YOU.
I adore its beauty of perfection, when I feel YOU...