I gotta try to fix my past to try to live for my future. |
Gurl Why Are You Driving Me Insane? |
Just Be Careful My Friend. Thatz All I Ask. Please Be Careful. Remeber That I Love You to. |
Please Make them go away. Please Make them stop. I can't handle them anymore. Please make them disappear from my mind. |
Whatz so beautiful being ugly. |
I gotta runaway from this hell house. im loosing my mind. im freaking out cause of my dreams. i can't breath cause i keep seeing things. i need to get out from here. go somewhere else. somewhere far. |
You are so dam! faraway but.. |
You are never alone.. as long as im alive n breathing u r never alone.. |
Nothing in the world. All the money in the world. All that can't buy my happiness. cause my happiness belongs to you next to me. Your love is my Happiness!!1 |
You are missing your love one.. but i just want you to know she/he will be in ur dreams.. in ur mind all day and night.. In ur heart forever... making you smile cuz you remember what he/she makes you feel inside.. and i'll be rite by ur side...=) |