Poems by smiley

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  • I love you for 3 year but then you just go
    Why dint you tell me...

  • First you tell me you love me
    Now you tell me that it was a dare...

  • You fall in love with a girl and then
    She brake ur heart all suddon ur going crazy...

  • No matter what people say ur amezing no one could...
    when you walk down the hallway they call you star...

  • IHow much I miss you
    How much can't stop loving you...

  • Ijane is the girl that be ur freind no matter what
    She be the girl that will hug you when you crying...

  • Am blind by ur love I'm protect by ur love all...

  • Have you better look In sky and wonder why are you...
    Why was i born in a world with so much evil...

  • 3 year I love you and still do
    But what is worth it loving you...

  • 10 year old the age of hell
    The age I want to die...

  • There no word the could descripe the way I feel...
    Ur love is the most beutiful thing is the world...

  • Since the day I fell in love you with I never stop...
    You made me belive in love...