My heart races as my feet glide silently on the...
Hair whipping across my face, stinging with every...
In my room I sit on the floor, dead center,
Eyes glazed, I can barely breath...
You know, I realized something today
I didn't fall in love with you because of your...
Flat out on the ground,
I stare about...
My heart bursts open like a volcano,
Bleeding the love I wish to so badly show you...
Your voice reaches my ear,
So easy and true...
At least once every year,
Life smacks me on the face...
Final break
Oh how it pains me...
I stare so blankly at the screen, not able to...
The words that have been typed don't comprehend in...
A gentle touch,
With a gentle word...
When I knew you,
I understood love. I allowed it to flow over me...
My heart sinks when I see his face,
What I had thought was so much was nothing...