Quotes by Rae Rae

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  • Love isn't about constantly loving a person 100% of the time. Its about sticking with them in the times where you don't.

    15 years ago
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  • ..Please be everything except my biggest regret.

    15 years ago
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  • When you tell me you love me..
    say it don't shout it.
    Because if another girl hears you say it, she'll want you..
    I don't doubt it.

    15 years ago
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  • If only if only, you needed me.
    If only if only, you could just see.

    If only if only, our life we could spend.
    If only if only, you weren't just my friend.

    15 years ago
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  • Your for me; but I'm not for you
    ..if only I could keep dreaming that this wasn't true.

    15 years ago
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  • Heartbreak: The realization that the person you can't live without, can live without you. </3

    15 years ago
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  • Millions of people; Pick any two.
    They could be just like me, or just like you.
    Strangers at first,
    And hate each other at worst.
    But at the best,
    Could love be what they possess?

    15 years ago
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  • No regrets, just set backs. No mistakes, just lessons. History can only be set once; it can never be altered or modified. So don't hold yourself back there's no point in dwelling on the past.

    15 years ago
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  • You told me to hold our memories in my hand,
    Unfortunately for us things didn't go as planned.
    You told me we were forever,
    But I suppose you lied however.
    I wish you had of stayed,
    Cause now I'm left watching those memories fade..

    16 years ago
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  • Don't dwell on the things in life that you failed to accomplish. Embrace the things that you did.

    16 years ago
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