dUn eXPect tOo mUCH fROm oTHEr.. |
Aku kah itu
yang sedang tercari-cari...
Andai kau boleh memahami,
sakit dan peritnya...
Dear my beloved ayah,
when you're gone...
HAruskah aku PErcaya..
DeNgAn sEtiap kAta merEka...
I cAnt smiLE
i cANt LAUgh...
There's no way to change your past but you can change how you deal with your present and your future !! |
There are tiMEs fOR tAkiNg aCtiOn and tHEre Are tiMEs fOR jUSt stAnding stiLL |
Searching for someone special sometimes feel like looking for the perfect fish in an ocean full of dangerous sharks and slimy eels. |