Ihtss somethinq we cuddnt cee
somethinq we DARE cuddntt be...
Sometimess i wishhh ididntt havee feelinqss , mayb...
& i breathe easier kno'nn i didnt dO anythinq...
& i cantt bhe tht qiRl yuu lookinq fOr , duh...
Ihtss funnyy how someonee i knew & cared abtt...
I need tuh qhett alot of dinqss Off of myy Chestt...
soo i mideswell lett yuu walk awayy whiddoutt duh...
. . .im srryy i NEVER show yuu how muchh i LOvee...
ihtss juss i'vee been hurtt too manyy timess...
Myy Heartt Seems tuh bhe a lidOu CONfUSEdd ;
i Wantt HiM Buhtt ahtt duh Same TiME i Wishh i...
* too lonqq for a quotee so heress a shortt poem...
& Truthh iss im scaredd tuh fall inn lovee...
& duh bOy i thOuqhtt tht wOuldd lOve mhe...
has leftt mhe fOr anOther whiddOut warninqq...
Fear is four letter word
Like love and hate...
Ii love hiim
but ii kno he loves her...