Quotes by DarkCrystalbtrfy

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  • My stomach churns
    And I have to wonder if I made the right decision?

    15 years ago
    0 0
  • They say rome was built in a day but love can change the course of history

    15 years ago
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  • Disappointed again, as passion leaves my veins an empty feeling in its wake

    15 years ago
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  • So confused, the darkness in my eyes
    So cold, comprehending, compromise

    14 years ago
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  • Dark by day, day by night

    14 years ago
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  • Im not laughing at you
    Im laughing with you
    Wait are you laughing?

    14 years ago
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  • When life gives you lemons you make oranges and leave everyone wondering how the heck you did it

    14 years ago
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  • I Dream Of Dark
    But not of Day

    15 years ago
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  • Echoing along the cordoor of life
    Are the symptoms of everlasting strif

    15 years ago
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  • I lock the door and lock my head
    And Dream of butterflys instead

    15 years ago
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