Dying embers cast their glow upon the Victorian...
A letter burns fiercely as the ashes climb the...
I hate the rain but I love the sound
The pitter pattering and the cacophony of movement...
The Divinity of entropy
The reckless abandonment of thought...
Black bubbling streams of white water
Cutting a line through the haggard...
The fight for faith is a losing battle
When the lives we take...
(This is written from the female perspective)
Father of all life...
After the rain falls and the water soaks
into the ground and the sun warms the surface...
Into the dark and heartless abyss I stare
Listening to the chaotic churning and swirling...
Drifting out of the feelings of my heart
And pursuing the mechanization of the mind...
I won't be angry at you,
but do not assume that you got away clean...
The sky burst into action,
as cold droplets plummet towards the earth...
Semi cooled ash dances along the ground,
a lingering heat restlessly calling from a nights...