Quotes by Joy

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  • When its time to laugh, my laughs roar like thunder, when its time to cry, its heavy rainfall, when I get mad..I strike like lightening...yea, my emotions take me by storm!

    16 years ago
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  • BOY!; please...
    you were just a minor setback for a major comeback, and just watch me come through wit somethin hot on my arm. HA!

    16 years ago
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  • Im definately not bomb anymore
    Im outstandinglooking.com

    16 years ago
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  • My love for you is as sure as the sunrise tomorrow and the glistening of the stars illuminating the night sky.

    16 years ago
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  • When we have an arguement, I'm mad at him and I won't talk; he says "I love you", because he knows I'll always say it back.

    That's his way of breaking the Silent Treatment. =]

    16 years ago
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  • Its like, why are we talking on the phone til the sun comes up, if when the sun comes up you don't wanna spend your day with me?
    ..you give me mixed signals, confuse my poor heart.
    Make me think that we're one thing when we're the complete opposite.

    16 years ago
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  • Sometimes when I'm all alone, with my thoughts.
    I cry..I cry because when im around my friends they never notcie how my eyes don't sparkle.
    ..my smile is too easily forgettable; it wasn't always that way.

    16 years ago
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  • Whenever my mood changes, you ask me 'what's wrong?'
    I say "I don't know".
    I always know why, but if I told you it'd make it harder for me to get over.
    Ya know?

    16 years ago
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  • Im in love with you, you just dont see what i wish you'd see in me.
    I know im 5 years younger than you...but i have alot to offer.
    First off, I can give you my heart.

    16 years ago
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  • My dog Simba is 12yrs old.
    He has prostate cancer, and he has a bum leg.
    ..I dont want him to get put down, oh god!
    Im gonna miss him, it wont be the same.

    16 years ago
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