Poems by Ezra

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  • Do you never learn?
    there are shadows all around, waiting and seeking...

  • I'm lost and confused
    I don't know what to do...

  • A star Cares not for the life beneath her steps, a...
    Friction makes warmth, a spark means hope. A flame...

  • I've noticed with time, the more religious you are...
    When hurt or defensive with authority figures you...

  • Shadows come;
    They are strong...

  • Forest quiet,
    Flower silent...

  • The quality of my actions
    Today determine the quality...

  • Love,

  • So scared, so frighted, so young, writing and...
    All I can do is day dream, yet my dreams turn into...

  • Wondering through the empty streets of the city's...
    I walk in to a world of death, yet it dose not...

  • Happiness and joy is all around, in my own world...
    I do what I can, but it seems as though she dose...

  • Floating...I'm floating in water again, but this...
    I'm being crushed between the black deeps of...