Quotes by Black Heart Still Beating

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  • I'm a little LEO short and STRONG,
    and you see I'm singing my song,
    If you get me mad i will scream,

    (goes to the rhythm of "I'm a Little Tea Pot" C= )

    15 years ago
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  • Dear heart.
    Why wont you stop beating.?
    With every movment I die a little more.
    So why dont you just stop all together?

    My love forever gone.
    Your always broken.
    Brianne. </3

    14 years ago
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  • (One of my guy friends and my convo)

    HIM; I thought you were a friend but all you are is a b**ch.
    ME; i was just trying to help make you understand that you hurt my best friend.
    HIM; stop talking.

    (why do i mess ever thing up with my friends?)

    14 years ago
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  • The blood of my life slowly slips away,
    I dont want to see a new day,
    So I'll let it all drip down,
    and let the soil take it.

    14 years ago
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  • I love a boy,
    he is all mine,
    his name its Ted E. Bear.

    14 years ago
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  • I just want someone to hold me when I cry,
    look me in the eyes,
    then make me laugh as I sob.

    14 years ago
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  • Im trying to convince myself
    that i hate him
    its just so hard to believe
    because everytime i look at him
    my anger takes it leave.

    14 years ago
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  • The stars weep tonight.
    as th sun kills them.
    The Sky turns red with their blood
    the sun will not share the sky.
    for this i will alway despise

    14 years ago
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  • Im never cold
    because the cold outside is never
    a match to the freeze on my insides. :(

    14 years ago
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  • What happend to the love?!
    What happend to the smiles?!
    If they're all done I have ONE more question...

    What happend to making cookies with me!?!?

    (lmao ANNAFRED love you!)
    i have messed up friends:P XOXO

    14 years ago
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