You hurt my heart. you broke it in two. I tried to...
What happens when you do something bad to a friend...
When you hear someone say that your selfish what...
What do you say to someone who has told you your...
Why would i even try and live anymore
Whats the point? Do i deserve to live? am...
What happened to our friendship? How could we do...
All i ever wanted was a man to stand by my side...
What has happened to us? Where did my knight in...
Dear dad,
Why did god have to take you away from me? Why...
Where are you? I miss you oh so very much...
What's going on?
Why am I like this...
Why is it that I'm the one who has to loose people...
Did I do something wrong the first time...
Please just hand me a blade. One that is new and...
Give me a blade so that I can have one friend who...