Poems by Liz Suffecool

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  • I try to hide the pain
    behind each and every smile...

  • Dear David
    Your everything to me but you don't seem to get it...

  • I know I maybe if we didn't talk as much or see...
    that things would be better and I could get along...

  • I want to be your everything
    as you are mine...

  • Don't ever feel like you not good enough
    because baby your good enough me...

  • I try so hard to make this work
    and the more I try the more I hurt...

  • It seems like all we do is fight
    I just wish things would go back to right...

  • Dear Heart,
    I'm sorry I went and did it yet again...

  • "I wish I may
    I wish I might...

  • Once upon a time you were my wish come true.
    You wanted me I wanted you...

  • I sit here feeling so alone crying in my room
    they all cant hear my Cries now but their filled...

  • I'm crying out screaming for you help
    I know this feeling this hurt and pain its all Ive...